The Fall

The prologue is one of my favorite chapters, because it was a result from the vision. The prologue begins with the birth of humanity. At first, they were peaceful but quickly became corrupt.

“As centuries passed, humanity scattered across the earth only to fight amongst one another. The human spirit continued to darken as people learned and practiced the evils of this world. No longer was a gentle word used to solve disputes, but instead the harsh elements of warfare dominated the race,” (The Blessing ix).

The short reign of peace and the turmoil that followed comes from the book of Genesis. God made man on the sixth day and then rested on the seventh. Adam was the first human, and Eve was later created through his rib.

Adam and Eve had everything they needed in the Garden of Eden. There was plenty of food, water and I would imagine the climate was perfect (hard to strut around naked if it’s uncomfortable).

They only had one rule (don’t talk about fight club—oops, wrong story). They couldn’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The days of peace were short lived after Adam and Eve decided to eat the fruit (I hope it tasted terrible). Their eyes were opened and sin entered the world.

Adam and Eve were tossed from the garden and eventually had children. Their children grew and multiplied to occupy the earth. There was suffering, pain and death; which exists even today.

Humanity was a lost cause, and God even debated on wiping us out (Gensis 6:7). Fortunately, we were spared, but we were still lost in our sin. Humanity needed a Savior.

It’s not about the times you fall but the number of times you get back up.


The Hero


Upon This Rock