Legacy of the Kings: Salvation: The Lost Parchment
A few of my favorite books. It's no surprise that I love to read.
Death to Life (Part 3)
We welcomed this starving kitten into our home. The boys love him, but we can't figure out a name. Lion-O or Captain Kitty?
Death to Life (Part 2)
Fresh rainbow trout caught from the river behind me. We all have to eat. Thank you, fish.
Death to Life (Part 1)
This very special picture hangs along my wall. My grandfather (Paul), father (Paul), myself (Paul) and P.J. (Paul) stand in front of my grandfather's childhood house. Can you guess the name of my great grandfather? Yup, it was Paul (Pablo). He was a man of faith, and the results of his good deeds are still active today.
Comic Relief
PJ and his cousins Sam and Nate pretending to have been lock up because of bad school grades.
The Big Race
A race up the rock wall! Ashely won, and she'll never let me forget about it!
Narrow Road
It was a narrow path to climb, but Ashely really wanted the picture at the Garden of the Gods in Colorado.
Algebra I Can Do!
Here’s a blast from the past! My first published book and proud grandparents!
Man of Glass
PJ’s first aquarium experience at Moody Gardens in Galveston Texas. It was a long and exciting day for PJ.