Narrow Road

The history of the Church is paved in blood. Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose again in three days. His sacrifice was the atonement for sin, and the Church is compelled forward by their faith in Him.

Within the book of Acts, Stephen becomes the first martyr. He spoke boldly before the Sanhedrin and even rebuked them. The religious leaders were angered, and Stevphen was stoned.

Saul (later Paul) also approved stoning Stephen. Saul eventually converted and suffered for Christ through many hardships including prison (2 Corinthians 11:16-33). He too was martyred, along with most of the original disciples, while telling others about Christ.

Martyrdom may be the final result of persecution, but persecution comes in many different forms. Some may lose friends, and others could lose their family. A much-needed job could be determined by one’s relationship with Christ.

The Bible calls Christians to occupy until the Lord’s return (Luke 19:13). We should position ourselves as leaders, business people, athletes, musicians and more in order to spread the gospel. Of course, in some cases, we must as wise as a serpent and as gentile as a dove (Matthew 10:16), hence Legacy of the Kings.

In LOTKS there is much persecution against the humans within Odessis. They are called dogs and considered an underclass. This harsh treatment stems from King Riker and the elders, but are others willing to help the humans?

The humans represent the persecuted Church. The king and elders are those who conspire against believers. Lenayin, Thilan and Ellian are Christians positioned to help other believers. Furthermore, the relation between the humans/Riker is that of the Jews and Pharaoh in Genesis. Moses/Aaron archetypes are in multiple characters going before Riker/elders to free the humans.

“Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Matthew 7:14



